5 Ways to Start Your Day on a Positive Note, Everyday!
As an entrepreneur, you have the power to set your own success. The course of your business depends solely on you and while that may seem like a heavy burden, how you approach each day will significantly impact your productivity.
What would you want more of: Waking up feeling confident about what needs to get done and attacking your to do list with positive energy or giving in to your feelings of dread and disgust that eventually lead to diminished confidence and wanting to quit? I’m hoping you choose the feeling confident option.
Research Shows Positivity Impacts Productivity
Buddha once said that "Positivity is intelligence". We all know how important it can be to stay positive when we're faced with difficult tasks and situations. Research has shown conclusively that people who have a more positive outlook on life tend not only do better in their daily lives but also report greater job satisfaction and improved productivity as well!
You'll be more productive when you focus on the good things in life. A study by University of North Carolina found that people who were given positive affirmations had improved productivity, while those without any feedback ended up feeling negative about their jobs and less focused overall - this is due to positivity impacting our thinking styles!
Positive Ways to Start Your Morning
We all have our own unique ways of beginning each new day, but there is one thing that everyone should consider when you’re feeling excited or overwhelmed before starting your workday.
If you find yourself snoozing through an alarm clock repeatedly while racing through morning tasks at lightning speed then it might be time for some changes! Every person will have a different, meaningful way to start their morning, but the key is to discover what makes you feel calm, joyful, relaxed, and positive about beginning a brand-new day.
· Do you need 15 minutes of quiet to enjoy your coffee or do you need a robust, quick-paced work out?
· Does meditation or yoga help you feel grounded and ready for the day?
· Do you need spiritual reassurance, such as from the Bible or other spiritual book?
· Do you prefer reading your favorite mystery novel while you eat breakfast?
· Have you tried journaling about your goals and/or feelings about your work?
· Do you have a written plan of action each day so you know exactly what you have to accomplish?
No matter how you choose to start your day, be consistent, even during stressful times and on the weekends. When tiny habits are done consistently, they become a part of your everyday routine and you won’t have to think about them again. Embrace positivity: Take notes about any changes you make to your morning routine and how it affects your mood and productivity throughout the day.
If you’d like to discuss how you can really implement this and create a new way of doing business - your way, then Let's Chat so that we get you loving your business again.